I'm a seven month old Great Dane. My favorite hobbies are sleeping, pooping, chewing on mom's shoes, ripping the stuffing out of anything I can find, playing with Dad and digging at the fence so I can try and make a hole big enough for me or Boss (the Bull Mastiff puppy next door) to get through. I also like to get in the garbage can but Mom put a gate across the kitchen so I only get in there when someone forgets to close it..which isn't often enough in my opinion.
This is a picture of me when Mom and Dad first brought me home. I was about 3 months old.

This is a picture of me now.

This is my mom..she's the one that lets me use the computer..but only if I don't, as she says, slob all over it. She's the one that makes sure I have food and water and gives me most of the treats. She also throws the Jolly Ball for me. However, she isn't that great because she won't let me sleep on the big bed.

This is my dad..he's great. He's the one that throws the the tennis ball for me and takes me for walks. He also gives me treats. Plus he lets me sleep on the big bed with him. Dad is my favorite person.

This is my boy. He's pretty cool. I try and play with him but I knock him over a lot of the time. I don't mean to..he's just not very big yet. He likes to race me and see who can get to the tennis ball first. I usually win since my legs are longer. He likes having me in his room but mom won't let me stay in there. She says I'll treat it like a stuffie buffet. He would blow bubbles for me to pop all day if Mom would let us. She thinks the bubble solution probably isn't that good for me. He likes to give me treats too!

This is my part time boy. He's only here some of the time..but I like him too. He doesn't like to play with me much because I'm too hyper..but he likes to give me treats so he's okay in my book.

And just for good measure here's a picture of Peanut's girl my mom took today